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Repeat Jobs

How to setup regular recurring bookings

Mark Walker avatar
Written by Mark Walker
Updated over a week ago

Transporters can support Repeat jobs for regular contracts and recurring schedules.

The first step is to setup an example of the jobs as an order, adding the customer details, transports, prices etc as normal.

You can optionally assign a driver/supplier, if doing this they will be automatically assigned to all of the repeat jobs.

Once the job has been prepared, click the status at the top of the order and change it to "Template".

Important: This is a special status that will not be used for actual journeys, instead it becomes available for repeat job schedules. If you are using an existing order from an actual booking, we recommend duplicating the order to create the template.

Once your template is ready, now it is time to make the schedule.

Under the main menu go to Orders->Repeats, then Add Repeat.

Repeat Name: Any name for your records, this is only shown internally.

Template: Select the order template you just created.

Days of the week: Choose what days this job can repeat on.

Start/End Date: Choose a date range that the jobs will repeat between.

Exceptions can optionally be used to adjust the main settings, either turning on a specific date that would not have been active or turning off an active date.

The repeat jobs will be generated in the background, creating new jobs periodically up to 30 days in advance.

You may not see all jobs created right away after creating a new template, but they will appear with an hour or so.

There will be a button "View Jobs" inside each repeat template letting you view all jobs created automnatically.

The journey time on each journey will remain the same as the template, with the date replaced with the current day.

Changing details on an order template will not change any orders that have been created already, but will apply to any future orders created.

If you need to change existing orders you can do this manually inside each order.

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